Saturday, February 04, 2006

Shameless Hollywood Plug

So I hope everyone got my sarcasm before...I'm sure as hell not taking any star tours or visiting wax museums while I'm in LA. I'm actually helping out RFC founder Jed James on a film he's working on out here called "My Suicide," starring David Carradine, Muriel Hemingway, Joe Montegna, Tony Hale and some punk ass kid named Gabriel Sunday. Yes, Jed traded in his Chicago headphones a little over a year ago and has been trying to break into the "business" out here ever since. Besides the My Suicide project, he also just officially closed the books on his first film project as a producer, a Josh Evans story called "Jake Lead." Jed says, "it will probably be a direct to DVD foreign market affair," so the odds of seeing it in Chicago are pretty slim unless "some magic happens in post." However, if you happen to be in the Los Angeles area in March, it will be screened at the Hear Gallery in Echo Park on the 11th.


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