Thursday, December 09, 2004

'Tis the season...

For giving?...Sharing?...Spending time with loved ones? Yeah, there's that stuff too...but most importantly, 'tis the season for making lists. Particularly "best of year" lists that compile all of the best (and sometimes worst) pop culture items and moments from the past year. Among hipsters, record collectors, music geeks and rock critic wannabees, the "Best Albums..." list is of particular importance every year. It allows for everyone to proudly articulate what records they think were "hip," "in" or "most relevant" in the past year and it demonstrates to others where you lie in the music scene spectrum. As a record-collecting hipster music geek, I love compiling my best of list each year and never get tired of checking out what others put on theirs. This year, I'll be compiling "best of" lists from all sort of music luminaries and scenesters around the city and will be posting them in a couple of weeks here on RFC. Feel free to send us your "best of" music lists (best albums, best shows, best singles, etc. ) as well, and we'll be happy to post them as we get 'em. Drop us a line at


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