Saturday, August 28, 2004

Dave's Poop Ship Destroyer is a Hell Ride!

So this story just refuses to die... Yes, everybody in the country knows by now that the Dave Matthews Band is being sued by the city of Chicago for dumping 800 lbs of human waste into the Chicago River and on unsuspecting patrons of an architecture tour boat. The latest in this story comes from the Friday (8/27) edition of the Sun-Times. Apparently, the owners of DMB's notorious tour bus are also facing lawsuit charges for transporting illegal fireworks across the Rhode Island state line. Now this wouldn't be that big of a charge...except that this particular incident also involved transporting rock has-beens Great White to the Rhode Island night club where the band's pyro-technics display (aka the illegally- transported fireworks) burned the placed to the ground and killed 80 people. This same tour bus company is also facing a lawsuit from hip-hop artists Jurassic 5, who are suing because their bus veered off of a highway in 2001, causing one of their band members to suffer a skull fracture. As Wesley Willis would say, this company's busses are a hell ride! However, so far the city of Chicago has only targeted the Dave Matthews Band, and not the owners of the bus. (but certainly another lawsuit against the bus owners is inevitable) And speaking of which...what's up with that fine that the city is seeking? $70,000?? That's it? Their bus drops 800 lbs of human waste into the river and on to a large number boat passengers riding below and the fine is only $70,000? Dave has been one of the top 5 arena draws for the last 10 years and has sold millions of records...$70,000 is chump change to Dave Matthews Inc. Shouldn't the band be subjected to a real punishment that fits the crime? Like clearing out the local record stores in Chicago and dumping 800 lbs of their shitty records into the river. Or better yet, how about a 1-2 year ban of their songs from the local airwaves? Steve Dahl's "Disco Demolition" in the 70's seemed to work pretty well in eradicating that awful music style...can we get another wacky morning DJ to organize a "Dave Matthews Dump?" The band literally took a shit on the city, I think we need to get our revenge. One more thing... Did you see this week's Liar's Club ad in the Reader?? May be one of their best slogans to date: Liar's Club, "Drowning in a sea of Dave Matthews' Poop" for more info on the Liar's Club, check out


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