Co-headlining this month's Immediate Action night at Sonotheque is former Chicago resident and instrumental hip-hop producer Eliot Lipp. RFC recently caught up with Lipp to talk about Friday night's show and his debut full-length for Hefty Records, Tacoma Mockingbird, due out next month.
Radio Free Chicago: The album is basically just composed with synths and breaks, right? Also, I hear you have a bit of a penchant for beat-up vintage equipment?
Eliot Lipp: Well, I used what I had to work with and at the time I couldn't afford anything fancy so yeah, most of my music so far has been made on used or borrowed gear.
RFC: What was the hardest thing about making the new album?
EL: Staying seated long periods of time.
RFC: What’s one thing you want people to take away from this record?
EL: A receipt...ha ha. No, I want people to hear the connections I'm trying to make between different styles that don't know each other.
RFC: Where do you feel most comfortable? Live at the club or in the studio?
EL: I feel about the same in both spots. I guess since nobody is looking at me in the studio I'm more comfortable there, but I'm pretty much trying to do the same thing in both places, which is to come up with interesting sounds and create a moment with music.
RFC: How did you become involved with Hefty?
EL: My boy Ray booked me at Danny's and I gave him a CD after the show and he said he wanted to play it for John (owner of Hefty). Soon afterward John called and asked about what I was up to and we really clicked.
RFC: What can we expect from the upcoming Immediate Action
show at Sonothque? Will you be spinning or doing a live set?
EL: I'm doing a live P.A. with two analog synths and
whatever else I can fit on the plane.
Speed Round…
RFC: What is/was your New Year’s resolution?
EL: To make it another year with no job. and to play a
shitload of shows. I also want to make another full
length album.
RFC: Album you listened to most in 2005:
EL: It's a tie between the analord saga and Elzhi's "witness my growth" mixtape.
RFC: What is the future of electronic music?
EL: Titties, drugs, dance music, Rap, parties, the machinedrum and the monomachine, the 303 and the 606, the 808 and the 909.
RFC: What do you miss about Chicago?
EL: Good beer on tap everywhere. Girls wearing scarves.
RFC: What
don’t you miss about Chicago?
EL: The Hollywood Grill and rats.
Eliot Lipp co-headlines Friday night's Immediate Action night at Sonotheque with West Coast experimental hip-hop producer Daedelus. Opening DJ sets will be provided by Six8 the Jah Breaker, Charlie Cooper of Telefon Tel Aviv and Slicker. Show starts at 9pm, cover is $10. Sonotheque is located at 1444 W. Chicago.